Wednesday, August 29, 2007

09/11/01 Hues of Red

09/11/01 Hues of Red

Written in memory and honor of those who lost their lives 9/11/01, but perhaps more to comfort those of us who survived.

Hues of Red©

Hues of red,

visions of crackling flame.

Oh yes, they can burn,

but comfort too,

the aches of a weary traveler.

Warning certainly is a noted thought,

with caution, halt, beware,

but yet


inviting be.

Aches of the traveler call out,

heat my body, my heart, my mind, my soul.

Alas, to feel the warmth,

out of flames reach.

Close enough, be warmed

but be not scorched.

Close enough to bask in warming rays,

to borrow glimpses of dreams,

not of memories.

Hues of red,

visions of crackling flame

oh yes, they can burn,

but comfort too,

the aches of a weary traveler.

The weary traveler rests quietly,


and comforted.

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, Hues of Red©)



For most, September means, alas, it’s back-to-school time.
And a word ending in ember, is indeed hard to rhyme.

September, is the first of the three ember months, do you know all three?
Yes the Sept month is number seven, but the ninth month, in reality, it happens to be.

A beginning of the harvest months, we all know as the fall.
Summer sees its end beginning; soon autumn then winter will call.

Time is now to care, for all end-of-summer chores.
Service the furnace, make ready the storm windows and doors.

Pruning and trimming, of the shrubs and the trees,
best to be done, by the first autumn freeze.

September, for some, may mean, the beginning of fall,
but yet for others, it means, time for Football.

Warm days remain, some even hot,
as some nights grow chilly, yet some nights do not.

A time of change, a time for us to prepare,
for a certain to come winter, and all that it shares.

The three ember months, soon come, of the next four,
At the end of which, another year ends and a new one opens a door.

So, just in case can you believe, with a rhyme, you forgot to remember,
as hard as it is to believe, it’s time, for another September.

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, September©)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August in Northern Nevada

August in Northern Nevada
August 2007 Reno/Sparks, NV©

This is the month, for sounds and sights,
that we fondly call, Hot August Nights®.

Nostalgic tunes, of Rock and Bop,
The prom, the concerts, and the hop.

6,000 Classic Cars roll down our streets,
with a now familiar roar, Old time Rockers appear,
eight hundred thousand, or even more.

August 3rd, the party starts,
it'll be, completely outta' sight,
Its time to enjoy, Hot August Nights®

Soon the music is over, crowds are gone,
with few remaining classics,
but memories linger-on,
for novices, enthusiasts and all of us fanatics.

We did it all, we did not stop,
a week in August, the weather hot!
The cruising, the concerts, the parties, prom and hop.

Looking back, as through the rear view mirror,
at the music, cars and nostalgic cheer.

Time now to reminisce, recover and savor memories dear,
yes, Hot August Nights® is over now, until another year.

Family vacations, now in high gear,
before we know it, another school year.

The Summer sun, now begins to slide,
not as high in the sky, does it now ride.

Summer now is on the run, almost over,
it's almost done.

Oh how did that happen, oh how could it be?
If only a few more months, Summer could stay,
but alas, Labor Day is only, another week away.

Hot August Nights® "Reno and Sparks' Hot August Nights® for a celebration of America's love affair with cars and rock & roll August 3-12, 2007."

RandomlyRamblingRick, Rick's Random Ramblings August 2007 Reno/Sparks, NV©)