Wednesday, August 29, 2007

09/11/01 Hues of Red

09/11/01 Hues of Red

Written in memory and honor of those who lost their lives 9/11/01, but perhaps more to comfort those of us who survived.

Hues of Red©

Hues of red,

visions of crackling flame.

Oh yes, they can burn,

but comfort too,

the aches of a weary traveler.

Warning certainly is a noted thought,

with caution, halt, beware,

but yet


inviting be.

Aches of the traveler call out,

heat my body, my heart, my mind, my soul.

Alas, to feel the warmth,

out of flames reach.

Close enough, be warmed

but be not scorched.

Close enough to bask in warming rays,

to borrow glimpses of dreams,

not of memories.

Hues of red,

visions of crackling flame

oh yes, they can burn,

but comfort too,

the aches of a weary traveler.

The weary traveler rests quietly,


and comforted.

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, Hues of Red©)

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