Sunday, March 16, 2008

Whatever happened to those dreams? ©

Whatever happened to those dreams? ©

Whatever happened to those dreams of childhood and as a young adult?

I still dream occasionally and write about such things in my ramblings, RandomlyRamblingRick.

Today, I am content, albeit reluctantly, to close unwritten chapters in a larger volume of my unfinished works, in favor of convention and necessity. I still attempt to slay a few dragons, find cause to help another, take time to count blessings and find appreciation for all of good.

If I were offering advice to those new and young dreamers of today’s world, I might say, take your dreams as far as you can take them and they will take you the rest of the way. Believe in yourself, if what you are dreaming and believing is worthy of your devotion and energies to reach fulfillment.

Perhaps, if you allow your dreams to live as long as you live, you will not have to ask, whatever happened to those dreams of childhood and as a young adult?

Richard G. Shuster, RandomlyRamblingRick, Whatever happened to those dreams?©

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