Gannett 5.28.08
Reno Gazette Journal
McCain Reno visit prompts supporter metaphor
Presidential hopeful US Senator John McCain's May 28th Reno, NV visit and Townhall meeting prompted local Blogger and "now" supporter RandomlyRamblingRick to sum up his support of Senator McCain in a down home metaphor.
Reno Gazette Journal
McCain Reno visit prompts supporter metaphor
Presidential hopeful US Senator John McCain's May 28th Reno, NV visit and Townhall meeting prompted local Blogger and "now" supporter RandomlyRamblingRick to sum up his support of Senator McCain in a down home metaphor.
"McCain's not the one I came to the dance with, but he's the one I'll be going home with."
RamblingRick shared his metaphor in a Townhall floor interview with Reno Channel 2 reporters. RandomlyRamblingRick, syndicated blog name for Richard G. Shuster, from Sparks, says "it is not too bad of an analogy of many GOP, DEM and Independent voters who started this year's Presidential primary elections and caucuses with distinctly different choices, but have, with albeit some reluctance, have chosen Senator John McCain to finish the race, with their first choices out of the race and, Rick added, horrified at the prospects of more of the Clintons known actions or supporting the unknown ones of Obama."
Shuster stated, "I'm a Veteran, and the father of 3 veterans, so I must support McCain and his strong stance on ending the war on terror by winning it. We cannot turn our backs on the body of one fallen comrade and make his death to have been in vain. McCain is the only candidate left with the know-how and stamina to see it through." "Also, Senator McCain, is a former Prisoner of War who was horribly tortured in Vietnam and knows the pain of his fellow veterans, he is the most likely to stand up for appropriate and adequate care of our veterans."
Rick pointed out, "anybody with any concerns about our nation's economic future, burdensome taxes, investment and retirement values and shaky mortgage and home building plights, would have to favor McCain over tax and spenders Clinton or Obama."
Not pleased by several key McCain domestic policies; pro-amnesty, lacking border security, uneven international trade and un-addressed re-building of America, Shuster stated "we will just have to stay on top of things and insist the McCain administration follows the will of the people on these issues."
Rick agreed with McCain's statements of alternative energy sources; nuclear, wind, geothermal, solar, and all other reasonable avenues need to be tapped, "that's something we have all known for decades, must be pursued in earnest"; but taking exception again, Rick said,: "I am disappointed that little or no emphasis was made by McCain to open our underground and underwater petroleum fields and pump and refine and use American oil instead oil from those who are enemies or antagonists."
RandomlyRamblingRick left off with a hopeful note; "Rebuilding America, on many fronts, is necessary to return our country to its former greatness. I am hopeful, President McCain would surround himself with this nation's best and finest, and to address each aspect that is required to restore our republic." "Among the qualified would be those we originally took to the dance, the other fine, qualified candidates, from all parties."
RandomlyRamblingRick, McCain visit prompts supporter metaphor
RamblingRick shared his metaphor in a Townhall floor interview with Reno Channel 2 reporters. RandomlyRamblingRick, syndicated blog name for Richard G. Shuster, from Sparks, says "it is not too bad of an analogy of many GOP, DEM and Independent voters who started this year's Presidential primary elections and caucuses with distinctly different choices, but have, with albeit some reluctance, have chosen Senator John McCain to finish the race, with their first choices out of the race and, Rick added, horrified at the prospects of more of the Clintons known actions or supporting the unknown ones of Obama."
Shuster stated, "I'm a Veteran, and the father of 3 veterans, so I must support McCain and his strong stance on ending the war on terror by winning it. We cannot turn our backs on the body of one fallen comrade and make his death to have been in vain. McCain is the only candidate left with the know-how and stamina to see it through." "Also, Senator McCain, is a former Prisoner of War who was horribly tortured in Vietnam and knows the pain of his fellow veterans, he is the most likely to stand up for appropriate and adequate care of our veterans."
Rick pointed out, "anybody with any concerns about our nation's economic future, burdensome taxes, investment and retirement values and shaky mortgage and home building plights, would have to favor McCain over tax and spenders Clinton or Obama."
Not pleased by several key McCain domestic policies; pro-amnesty, lacking border security, uneven international trade and un-addressed re-building of America, Shuster stated "we will just have to stay on top of things and insist the McCain administration follows the will of the people on these issues."
Rick agreed with McCain's statements of alternative energy sources; nuclear, wind, geothermal, solar, and all other reasonable avenues need to be tapped, "that's something we have all known for decades, must be pursued in earnest"; but taking exception again, Rick said,: "I am disappointed that little or no emphasis was made by McCain to open our underground and underwater petroleum fields and pump and refine and use American oil instead oil from those who are enemies or antagonists."
RandomlyRamblingRick left off with a hopeful note; "Rebuilding America, on many fronts, is necessary to return our country to its former greatness. I am hopeful, President McCain would surround himself with this nation's best and finest, and to address each aspect that is required to restore our republic." "Among the qualified would be those we originally took to the dance, the other fine, qualified candidates, from all parties."
RandomlyRamblingRick, McCain visit prompts supporter metaphor
1 comment:
Whatever happened to those dreams? ©
Whatever happened to those dreams of childhood and as a young adult?
I still dream occasionally and write about such things in my ramblings, RandomlyRamblingRick.
Today, I am content, albeit reluctantly, to close unwritten chapters in a larger volume of my unfinished works, in favor of convention and necessity. I still attempt to slay a few dragons, find cause to help another, take time to count blessings and find appreciation for all of good.
If I were offering advice to those new and young dreamers of today’s world, I might say, take your dreams as far as you can take them and they will take you the rest of the way. Believe in yourself, if what you are dreaming and believing is worthy of your devotion and energies to reach fulfillment.
Perhaps, if you allow your dreams to live as long as you live, you will not have to ask, whatever happened to those dreams of childhood and as a young adult?
Richard G. Shuster, RandomlyRamblingRick, Whatever happened to those dreams?©
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