Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America©

Happy Birthday America, somehow it is, you continue to live,

even after all of the times, you gave all you possibly could give.

Of your youngest and best, the promising rest, so many bodies and souls,

standing their guard and in battles reward, in the air, at sea and in foxholes.

Your sacrifices great, spread across the seas, and continents all around this Earth,

under circumstances seemingly impossible, you did what you must, and suffered the dearth.

You have fought bravely against our enemies, both the domestic and the foreign,

and continued proudly, with Old Glory out front, and refused all disdain and scorn.

A call for rights & liberties: and freedom & justice, sprung from New England’s countryside;

conceived, protected, birthed and nurtured; a gift from God Almighty, and reason for our pride.

America, as we celebrate your birthday again, in troubled and tragic times, with a new year squarely in our sights,
we also celebrate your God given birthday gifts, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

RandomlyRamblingRick, Happy Birthday America©
RandomlyRamblingRick on Point Man Ministries



Summer here and now in full swingfolks are busy, doing Summer things.Camping, boating, fishing...more,as long as it can be done, outdoors.Commitment to Independence, on July 4th is made,gratefully, with picnics, and fireworks, after the parade.Great sacrifices remembered, for liberty and freedom,continued this day, protecting country, family and home.The month of July, from end to end, each and every part, Here in the Reno, NV area, we proudly celebrate the Arts.

The heat is on, the sun begins to bake,everyone's mind’s, on going to the lake.Be sure to use plenty of sun screen,or your sunburn, will surely ache.Everywhere now, as we look around,hillsides, parks and lawns turn brown!The heat is intense, the air, it is dry,water twice a week, or it'll surely die!July rapidly closing, time now is in flight.A new month beginning, with old sounds and sights,before you know, it soon will be, "Hot August Nights".

RandomlyRamblingRick, July©
RandomlyRamblingRick, at Point Man Ministries

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fathers' Day Ramblings

Fathers’ Day Ramblings

Father's Day is Only a Week Away©

We all know Father's Day, is usually not a real big deal
and from Mom and her day, none of it we'd ever steal.
But I think for Dad, its time he got his just due
so for the next few days, that's exactly what I'll do.
Unlike Mom, Dad's thoughts are not so sticky sweet,
so if anything seems offensive, hit the button named delete.
Some Dad originals, and some Dad thoughts from some others,
will arrive to share, with all Dads who are our brothers.
Remember too, husbands, brothers, nephews and all granddads,
include all sons-in-law, cousins, and other kinds of Dads.
Through the years, Dad's Day, has brought me joy and pride,
whether with my own Dad, or with my children by my side.
So here we go, the week ahead, thoughts both happy and sad,
but most of all, they are sent along to honor dear old Dad.

RandomlyRamblingRick, Father's Day is Only a Week Away©

About My Dad©

I wish to write to you, about my Dad,he was the one and only, that I had.
Besides all that, he was special to me,he was the best darn Dad, he could be.
Was he perfect? I'd have to say, not quite,but for me, my Dad was quite alright.
Long gone from this world, he remains in me,as an imperfect Dad, who wished he could be.
I don't judge his shortcomings, nor things left undone, and hope my children don't either, daughters or sons. You see, Dads are not perfect, though try like they might,but miss them you do, once gone forever, out of your sight. Remember the best times, remember one and all you have had,for the best times remembered, keeps you ever, close to your Dad.

RandomlyRamblingRick, About My Dad©,
Edward R. Shuster, Sr. May 28, 1902- January 6, 1971)

Happy Dad's Day to the Fathers of All Our Grandchildren©

The weekend soon gone, dedicated to Father,never quite like for Mom, less fuss and less bother,but memories we have, some happy, some sad,for that someone so special, we call our Dad. Once said, any man can be a Father,but takes a special man, to be a Dad. To the Dads, of our grandchildren, you are the best Dads, they could have had. Perfect Dads, well, that might be stretching it a lot,but no other Dads could love and care for them, as you do, since you give it all you've got. We want you to know how proud we are of you,and know that your children, also feel, the way we do. We understand why your children proudly consider you, as their hero and their star. And with pride and much gratitude,to know, what kind of men, their Dad's really are.

RandomlyRamblingRick, Happy Dad's Day to the Fathers of All Our Grandchildren©

What I'd Like for Father's Day©

What do you think Dad would like for Father’s Day?
What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad? Not uncommon questions, but they prompted this Dad to think what he’d like most if he could have the gift of his choice from his children. The gift he would like to receive the most would be to have a letter from his children; not a group letter, but individual letters, written or typed, it matters not, but an individualized letter to your Dad telling him what you think you’d like him to know. My Dad left this world without ever knowing the many things, thoughts as an adult, I would have liked to have shared with him, had he still been alive, when I was 30 years old, and 35, 40, 50, and now at 63. So, if you are thinking about a present for your Dad for Fathers’ Day, write him a letter. Neckties and tee-shirts and barbeque mitts all disappear, but your thoughts and words will forever stay with your Dad.

Love Always, Dad

RandomlyRamblingRick, What I'd Like for Father's Day©

Fathers Day, Now is Gone©

Fathers Day, now is gone, for another year, with some memories glad and some memories sad, some laughs and joy, and a couple of tears. Time to reflect now upon, only those memories good, and remember, what Fathers Day, is really all about,to be the best darn Father, that any Father ever could.

RandomlyRamblingRick, Fathers Day, Now is Gone©