Friday, June 20, 2008



Summer here and now in full swingfolks are busy, doing Summer things.Camping, boating, fishing...more,as long as it can be done, outdoors.Commitment to Independence, on July 4th is made,gratefully, with picnics, and fireworks, after the parade.Great sacrifices remembered, for liberty and freedom,continued this day, protecting country, family and home.The month of July, from end to end, each and every part, Here in the Reno, NV area, we proudly celebrate the Arts.

The heat is on, the sun begins to bake,everyone's mind’s, on going to the lake.Be sure to use plenty of sun screen,or your sunburn, will surely ache.Everywhere now, as we look around,hillsides, parks and lawns turn brown!The heat is intense, the air, it is dry,water twice a week, or it'll surely die!July rapidly closing, time now is in flight.A new month beginning, with old sounds and sights,before you know, it soon will be, "Hot August Nights".

RandomlyRamblingRick, July©
RandomlyRamblingRick, at Point Man Ministries

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