Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ramblings for May

Ramblings for May©

May begins, the month of flowers,
as Mother Earth, unfolds her powers.
Garden planting, get out the tools.
Summer’s coming, clean out the pools.

Mother’s Day, is soon upon us,
from whence we came, it does remind us.
From time to time, we contemplate,
her loving sacrifices and care so great.

Fertilized it, so it would look nice.
Think I used it, only twice.
Out of breath, can hardly speak,
the lawn, now needs mowing, twice a week.

Memorial Day, once a time, to commemorate,
those who have died in wars, to keep us great.
Those feelings, now I fear, have greatly weakened,
instead replaced, by America’s love, of the 3 day weekend.

Richard G. Shuster (from Rick’s Random Ramblings, Ramblings for May©)

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