Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Some Easter Thoughts

Some Easter Thoughts

This Year at Easter ©

This year, Easter is within the month of March, living its promises every day,
Easter is all about reliving the ultimate Gift, the absolute Sacrifice,
the exquisite giving of Love; He lived, He died, He lives again today.
All Praises to our ever living Lord, our God, who for us goes all the way.

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, This Year at Easter ©)

About experiencing “The Passion of the Christ”©

Several years ago, I attended the showing of what I humbly describe as the most unforgettable cinema of my 60-some years, "The Passion of the Christ".

The story, Christ's Passion, the events preceding, all are occurring again, as they do every Lenten season; hence, giving me cause to resurrect what I wrote following that year's exceptional opportunity, that being, viewing of the "Passion of the Christ"

It was wonderful and horrible, reassuring and scary, all together in an emotional rollercoaster that touched the very core of my being. I saw, in the biblical characters surrounding the crucifixion, the best and worst of myself.

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, About experiencing “The Passion of the Christ”©)

Remembering our Veterans and Troops at Easter and Always

To Never be Forgotten©

How many times has the “story of stories” been repeated, by millions of families throughout the ages since?

“He gave His only Begotten Son”, rings on and on. May that sacrifice never be forgotten.

Likewise, millions of other sons and daughters have been given, in their service; to God, to Country, to Family, to Community.

They, too, gave up their begotten children, their loved ones, for us, for all of us, to never be forgotten.

As was His sacrifice, is theirs, for the ever living hope of futures bright, we join in humble gratitude, to honor and to comfort all who need, and to never be forgotten.

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, To Never be Forgotten©)

Christ is Risen ©

May your Resurrection Sunday and all of the Easter celebration

be blessed to your spirit and may your heart be filled with joy...

Indeed, Christ is Risen....

Richard G. Shuster (from RandomlyRamblingRick, Christ is Risen©)
RandomlyRamblingRick, at Point Man Ministries

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